Welcome to South Mountain School, home of the Superstars!  SMS is unique in the district in that it is one school with two separate locations:  the Big School and the Annex.  The Big School houses grades 2-5, while the Annex contains our kindergarten and 1st grade classrooms.  Despite our two locations, SMS operates as a single superstar community!


South Mountain School- Big School

444 West South Orange Avenue

South Orange, NJ 07079 

Main #:  973-378-5216


South Mountain Annex 

112 Glenview Road

South Orange, NJ 07079 

Main #:  973-378-2801


Kevin Mason, Principal



Anthony Cicenia, Assistant Principal




Change in dismissal: If you have a change in your normal dismissal (going home early, being picked up by someone else, etc.), please email smsASAP@somsd.k12.nj.us and your student's teacher.


Absences: To report your student as absent, please call the respective building # (referenced above) and follow the prompts to leave a message. 


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The PTA strives to represent and engage our entire school community.  Have an idea that might help us do so?  Please reach out to PTA presidents Meisha and Jillian at ptasouthmountain@gmail.com!